the bike

the bike

Friday, 17 August 2012

Day eight, well it is bug city now

Okay bad joke. When do you know you are looking at a happy biker? He is the one with smile full of bugs. Ba ha ha ha. Yeah I know bad joke.

Well we went through bug city today. The bike is just covered with them. So tonight had to give a little of a wash when we got to the motel. Yuk! What a job.

Montana besides cattle and large ranches, they have bugs that just love to fly into your bike and face and sometimes up your nose. Ew!!! My pants are full of bug splotches.. More Ew!!!

Anyways to get ahead of traffic this morning we got up early. Williston is just so full of traffic and most of them being trucks. Found out why this morning. There is oil in those prairies . Well there was always oil in those prairies but now they can drill sideways instead of straight down so they are able to get more oil. Between Watson City and Williston the trucks just keep a moving. These trucks are doing big damage to the highways. You drive down the road and the ridges were tires have gone over are so deep it made it hard to control the bike on the road.

So as soon as we left Williston this morning the traffic went back to zero on the road. Montana was quiet. The awed truck and a few cars and lots of bugs. Not even much in the way of gas stations. We came close but made it to one. That was good don't want to be looking for gas on foot. No fun at all.

Well we made half way across Montana. Tomorrow should be in Idaho if all goes as planned. Haven't figured out how far we will make it just as long as he doesn't decide to hightail it for home. My legs just couldn't take it of he did. One long ride was enough on this trip. To get to Rapid City was along drive and I had to stay off the bike for a day to get my legs back in some order. They are still not good but I can make a bit at a time. Just allot of wiggling and he is telling me I am wiggling too much. Can't help it got to keep moving.

So now bike is sorta clean and we are sitting here relaxing after a nice supper. Hope that he doesn't want to get up too early tomorrow and try to get as far as he can. I guess I have to be ready for anything. Especially if I want to get home. No plane ride for me. Have to suffer the ride home as well.

I can say I am having a good time. Except for the pain in my legs and back while I am riding. Just a few more days and I will be home in my own beddy by. Then a couple of days rest and then back to work. Aw!!!!

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